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Student Assistants

NEH Summer Institute: Participants

Student Assistants


Lisa Larionova is a Philosophy major at College of Charleston with minors in Creative Writing and Studio Arts. She is interested in phenomenology, embodied consciousness, and epistemology. She is the current president of Women in Philosophy, a club at the college, and working as a TA for a Philosophy 101 class in the Fall. She has written an independent study on embodied consciousness, exploring its role in dance as a type of expert performance, and plans on continuing her research next summer. 


Alina Wang is a philosophy and psychology undergraduate at Smith College. She focuses on topics in philosophy of mind, existential phenomenology, embodied cognitive science, and philosophy of psychiatry. She is currently writing an honors thesis that draws on theories in embodied cognition, Kantian metaphysics, and Heideggarian phenomenology to understand existential dimensions of perceptual experience. She is also interested in analyzing psychiatric illness and placebo effects from this embodied cognitivist perspective. In fall of 2018, she will apply to philosophy Ph.D programs.
